ALT-EDIC creation by the European Commission

The ALT-EDIC, the Alliance for Language Technologies, is the first EDIC ever created. The project was proposed in December 2023 by 10 EU Member States to the European Commission, and was officially set up on February 7th 2024 by a Commission Decision.

A European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) is an innovative structure enabling Member States to set up and implement multi-country projects, which was introduced by the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030. The ALT-EDIC aims at promoting excellence in language technologies and preserving Europe’s linguistic diversity and cultural richness.

The ALT-EDIC is coordinated by France, through the General Delegation for the French Language and the languages of France of the Ministry of Culture, the Directorate General for Enterprise of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and the National Coordination for Artificial Intelligence. It has its statutory seat in Villers-Cotterêts, France, in the premises of the Cité internationale de la langue française. It currently gathers 12 members and 7 observer countries. Discussions are ongoing with other countries interested in joining the initiative.


Lithuania is represented in the ALT-EDIC consortium by the Ministry of Culture, a governmental institution responsible for formulating and implementing state cultural policies in the fields of professional and amateur arts, theatre, music, fine arts, cinema, museums, libraries, publishing, copyright and related rights, and the protection of cultural heritage and language.

In response to recent advances in generative AI, Lithuania is actively exploring the development of large language models (LLMs) and supporting the ecosystem for the Lithuanian language. The Ministry of Culture has initiated an information campaign to engage both public and private sector organisations in ALT-EDIC efforts. Several companies have already expressed their interest. Lithuania is also funding a number of projects through Recovery and Resilience Facility (Next Generation Lithuania), aimed at accumulating language resources for AI systems. It is anticipated that these projects will complement the goals of ALT-EDIC.

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